Lower your Risk of Having a Heart Attack
Some people think that there is not much you can do about your lowering your risk of having a heart attack especially if heart disease runs in your family. They are wrong, I like to say just because you have a loaded
gun it doesn’t mean you have to pull the trigger. Having a family history of heart disease is the
loaded gun and your lifestyle is the trigger you have a choice of whether or not you want to set
off that gun. There are many natural ways to lower and prevent heart attacks without drugs or
1. Maintain a healthy weight
The more you weigh, the more wear and tear on the body, including the heart. If your BMI is
over 30 this easily increases your heart risk by 10 fold. As we all know it is easier said than
done to maintain our weight. As a Chiropractic Physician I recommend a multidimensional
approach to this problem, eat better, move better and think better. These are the 3 basic
foundational pillars.
2. Move more
As one of our pillars, regular exercise improves heart health and circulation. It can also help you
lose weight. Current recommendations are 3 days a week of aerobic activity, exercise for a
minimum of 30 minutes each session. This raises the heart rate, burn calories and gives you
more energy! Plus you should include two 30- 60 minute strength-training sessions such as high
intensity interval training or we like to call it Functional Fitness.
3. Change your diet
If you are having trouble changing your diet you may want to consider some nutritional
counseling or nutritional coaching. A diet too high in carbohydrates can be dangerous. Carbs
have been linked to Type 2 diabetes and even Alzheimer’s. Those with diabetes have a much
greater risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular issues. Replace those carbs with healthy
fats like, avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil, fatty fish, protein and vegetables. Just for the record,
the most recent studies show, eating cholesterol does not elevate your cholesterol. So eat those
eggs for breakfast they are a great source of protein.
4. Know your Cholesterol Numbers
We say what gets measured gets managed. Cholesterol is a natural substance produced by
the liver that helps form cell membranes, hormones and bile acids. However, cholesterol in our
blood can lead to hardening of the arteries. As the arteries harden and get narrower, the blood
supply can get cut off to vital parts of the body, such as the heart or brain, leading to heart
attack or stroke. Know your numbers, what they mean, and which heart-healthy foods you
should add to your diet. You should have your lab drawn at least once a year if you have no
current health problems. You may even need it more frequently if you a issue occurs so you
and your Chiropractor can track it.
5. Deal with High Blood Pressure (HBP)
Blood pressure causes wear and tear on blood vessel walls. This is the true silent killer. How to
deal with blood pressure again is to know your numbers. If they are elevated lifestyle changes
will help lower those risk factors as well.
6. Eat a low-sodium diet
Too much sodium can trigger weight gain and high blood pressure. We insist on switching to
pink Himalayan salt. It is a much healthier way to consume salt without the health risks. A quick
trick to measuring sodium is make your calories in a food item = to the mg of sodium. For
example a can of beans may have 957mg of sodium and 70 calories, not good but frozen or
fresh beans may have 10mg of sodium and 70 calories, a much heart healthy choice!
7. Stop smoking
If you smoke tobacco, stop. It has been associated with heart disease, lung disorders, and a
number of different types of cancer. Easier said than done right? Acupuncture is a great tool to
help you quit the habit!
In our office we can help you prevent or lower your risk of having a heart attack