Ways to Eat Healthy For a Busy Lifestyle
It can be a real challenge for busy people to find ways to eat healthy and nutritious meals. There is, of
course, the biggest problem: time. Sometimes there is just not enough time in the day for
shopping, preparation, and cooking. This means that busy people often eat ready-made meals,
which are high in fat, salt and sugar content. Then there are the people who eat out more than
in. It’s most likely at fast food establishments where it’s quick and easy to get your meal but
detrimental to your health. It is possible, though, for very busy people to eat healthier. Eating
healthy will actually make a person more productive at his or her work. So healthy eating habits
should be included in part of your work schedule.
So what are 5 ways that very busy people can eat healthier?
Always have breakfast – This is often the most skipped meal in the day, but as you have heard a
million times, it is the most important meal. Skipping breakfast can lead to weight problems and
diabetes. So what constitutes a great, healthy breakfast? Eggs (your protein), Ultrameal shake
or foods rich in fiber like grain-less granola, fruits, and vegetables.
Stay hydrated
A healthy body requires fluid. Make sure that you have plenty of water with you
if your place of work doesn’t have a water cooler. Drink water frequently during the day. You
should consume half your body weight in fluid ounces. So if you weigh 130 lbs you should drink
at least 65 fluid ounces. Don’t overdo the coffee intake, keep it down to two cups per day. Avoid
sugary drinks like soda and juices.
Eat healthy when eating out
AVOID ALL FAST FOODS! It is okay, though, to occasionally eat
at restaurants, but choose the healthy options. Many menus now have the calorie total for each
meal and this can be a good guideline. If there are no calorie guides then stick to this rule of
thumb: meats should be grilled,vegetables and salads topped with protein salad dressing is fine
especially one with olive oil or fresh lemon. And if you must have a dessert ask for fresh fruit.
Stay away from bread, sugar, and refined carbs!!!
Be careful with alcoholic drinks
An occasional glass of wine won’t do any harm (and some
studies even show that there are health benefits like resveratrol in the red wines), you need to
remember that alcohol is just empty calories and sugar. The over consumption of alcohol can
also have a negative impact on health in general. Follow the 2:2 rule. No more than two drinks,
two times per week, a four drink per week maximum.
Plan ahead
As a busy body, you will be used to planning in advance to get things done. You
would never think about going into an important meeting without planning right? Eating healthy
requires the same planning. Everyone’s schedule is different, but it should be possible to
reserve time in the week to plan for meals. Weekends could be good days to use some time to
prepare and plan meals. Remember to also plan your snacks, and make sure that you have
healthy options. If you don’t have any time shop you can buy groceries online and have them
delivered to your home or workplace. This saves a lot of time shopping.
Of course, any shopping has to take into consideration healthy foods. Choose fresh veggies and fruit, as well
as organic fresh meats. We have some great healthy meal preparations and recipes on http://www.thekeyesingredients.com
Even the busiest people can take advantage of the many markets that sell prepared roasted
chicken, to save cooking time and have a source of healthy protein on hand.